Jessica DeLay February 22, 2021 Make Way For the King Jessica DeLay February 22, 2021 Featuring a special Christmas day cameo from the Queen herself, this 2020 Christmas was one like no other.
Jessica DeLay February 7, 2021 Winter Whiplash Jessica DeLay February 7, 2021 This winter has has brought some pretty drastic changes in such a short amount of time!
Jessica DeLay December 11, 2020 Settled Down in November Jessica DeLay December 11, 2020 November was spent entirely in lockdown, but there was more than enough to do, read, and explore.
Jessica DeLay November 23, 2020 Pre-Lockdown at Capernwray Jessica DeLay November 23, 2020 Time marches on, slowing down for no one… even when we ask nicely! Catching up on the last five weeks will require more than one post. Stay tuned for more!
Jessica DeLay October 18, 2020 "Go a Little Further" Jessica DeLay October 18, 2020 Been out of quarantine for the past two weeks, now kicking off week FIVE!
Jessica DeLay September 23, 2020 Capernwray Life (In Quarantine) Jessica DeLay September 23, 2020 It’s here… Winter Bible School at Capernwray Hall! Well into week one.
Jessica DeLay August 10, 2020 Official Answer Jessica DeLay August 10, 2020 Pause on the Summer 2020 roller coaster - long enough to take a deep breath and zoom towards departure day!
Jessica DeLay August 6, 2020 Camped Out and Waiting Jessica DeLay August 6, 2020 The wait isn’t over (now 8/11). The school will open, but with changes
Jessica DeLay July 28, 2020 From the Rockies to a Sheep Farm Jessica DeLay July 28, 2020 Best way to begin is to start at… the beginning